জর্জ বার্নার্ড শ
জন্ম : 26th July
— মৃত্যু : 2nd November 1950
লেখকের মোট বই 2 টি
বায়োগ্রাফি: George Bernard Shaw simply is known as Bernard Shaw was the most famous playwright of his time and was awarded the noble prize in literature in 1925. He is usually considered as the 2nd best dramatist after William Shakespear. The word Shavian has its own meaning in English summarizing Shaw's ideas and his means of expressing them. His works highly influenced western theater. He was born in Dublin, Ireland and moved to London in 1876. His parents were George Carr Shaw (1814–1885) and Lucinda Elizabeth (Bessie) Shaw. He has 3 older sisters. His mother’s friend George John Lee influenced him greatly. He thoroughly invested himself to become a dramatist and novelist and boarded on a journey of self-education. He wrote more than 60 plays. His major works include plays like Man and Superman (1902), Pygmalion (1912) and Saint Joan (1923). He was triumphant as a dramatist in America ten years before accomplishing similar success in Britain.