জোসেফ সেরিডান লে ফানু
জন্ম : 28th August
— মৃত্যু : 7th February 1873
লেখকের মোট বই 1 টি
বায়োগ্রাফি: Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu was a primary ghost story writer of the nineteenth century and was essential to the growth of the genre in the Victorian era. He was an Irish writer of Gothic tales, mystery novels, and horror fiction. M. R. James described Le Fanu as "absolutely in the first rank as a writer of ghost stories". Three of his best-known works are Uncle Silas, Carmilla, and The House by the Churchyard.he was born to Thomas Philip Le Fanu and Emma Lucretia Dobbin at 45 Lower Dominick Street, Dublin, into a literary family of Huguenot, Irish and English descent.