অ্যামব্রোস প্র্যাট
জন্ম : 31st August
— মৃত্যু : 13th April 1944
লেখকের মোট বই 1 টি
বায়োগ্রাফি: Ambrose Goddard Hesketh Pratt Australian writer born into a cultivated family in Forbes, New South Wales. He changed his mind to study law instead of medicine. His politics became conservative: a member of 'the Group' which engineered Lyons' defection from the Labor Party in 1931, Pratt wrote his farewell speech for him. He was brought up by a Chinese amah and had a strong affection for the Orient. He pressed for government recognition of China and, in his play Point in Time. From the 1920s he had business interests in Malaya and Siam (Thailand), eventually becoming director of twelve tin-dredging companies. He was a private adviser to the government of Thailand which, in 1941, appointed him consul-general in Australia, consulting on him the Order of the White Elephant. In the last months of his life, he publicly attacked the White Australia policy. Ambrose Pratt died suffering from chronic respiratory disease, at his Surrey Hills and was cremated; his wife and daughter survived him.